Our Skills Our Skills
Our Skills

Our Skills

Our family office is characterised by its extraordinary range of services combined with years of profound expertise and deep experience. We have specialists for all relevant aspects of a comprehensive family office mandate, ranging from family strategy and legal and tax structuring topics to asset strategy decisions for defining a suitable strategic asset allocation. The long-term strategic asset allocation is completed by constant monitoring of the capital markets and a tactical asset allocation. Our clients also have access to all traditional banking services that a fully licensed bank can offer. This is unique in the world of multy family offices.

The full range of our services is constantly accessible for our clients: Within our 80 members of staff the family officers have the most central position. The family officers combine broad and at the same time in-depth expertise. Typically they are experienced banking generalists with specialisation on one or several particular asset classes. Our family officers are supported by internal specialists for real estate, capital markets, and M&A. Furthermore the family officers are supported by internal accountants and assistants as well as by external consultants such as lawyers, auditors, tax advisers, notaries, and selected asset managers. All our employees share the vision to enter into a close, long-term client relationship that is based on reliability and trust. This is how we independently and objectively support families in the achievement of their goals.

MARCARD, STEIN & CO AG Ballindamm 36
Hamburg, Germany
We always maintain an overall view.
"As a key contact for our clients, we are experienced in every class of their assets, we know the precise details of each client’s asset allocation, and we never lose sight of the big picture."
Iris Roller, Director family officer

Further Topics at a Glance

A family office can be an ideal partner and support you and your family on many levels.
Any form of intensive cooperation requires mutual understanding at the level of shared values.
Our clients are looking for support with very different issues. Independent advice and moderating support can be useful here.
With our comprehensive range of advisory services, we can meet the challenging task of safeguarding larger assets over several generations.
We will be happy to take the time to provide you with more detailed and individual information and answer all your questions in a personal meeting.